
Council Meeting Highlights (June 24, 2024)

The Council of the Town of Lanigan held a regular meeting on June 24, 2024, and following are highlights of the meeting:

  • As an economic development initiative, Mayor and Council authorized an agreement with Dream Concepts Inc. for a 3-year pilot project to evaluate a proposed model and effectiveness of providing affordable housing options in the Town of Lanigan. This agreement supports the development of affordable housing in Lanigan at the Triland Trailer Court. More to follow on this in the very near future.
  • Mayor and Council authorized the 2024-2025 membership with Central Area Transportation Planning Committee (CATPC)
  • Mayor and Council authorized a contract with Commissionaires North Saskatchewan Division to enforce bylaws on behalf of the Town of Lanigan for up to one day per week.
  • Feedback was provided about Celebrate Lanigan, which took place on June 21, 22 and 23. Overall, the event was a great success, especially considering that the planning phase for this year’s event took place over 4-6 weeks, rather than a normal 4-6 months. The weather cooperated and it was certainly apparent that many people enjoyed the festivities.
  • Potholes are still evident throughout the community and the Operations team will continue with pothole patching over the coming days and weeks.
  • Tenders are currently in progress for curb and gutter repair, sidewalk replacement and paving. With staffing changes, it has been a late start this year and progress will pick up.
  • With exception of one Operator position, all staff positions have been filled over the past 2 to 3 months, and we continue with extensive training of new staff in all areas of the organization.
  • The swimming pool schedule for July will be posted in The Lanigan Advisor, Town of Lanigan website and Facebook this week.
  • Demolition of the former swimming pool and tennis court will take place this summer. The demolition project was scheduled for July and August while school is out to reduce the risk of impact on school activities.

We appreciate that there is a high expectation by residents for excellent service delivery. As we have worked through a reorganization and rebuild of the staff team over the past three to four months, we also appreciate your patience through this time. As already mentioned, extensive training of new staff is taking place and service delivery will continue to show improvement over the next several months. Our goal is service delivery excellence!

Download the June 24 PDF Here