The Council of the Town of Lanigan held a regular meeting on September 9, 2024, and following are highlights of the meeting:
- With Administration initiating the 2025 budget input process, Council referred a request for donation from the Humboldt and District SPCA to the 2025 budget process. Council also requested Administration to consider developing a program to support local groups as part of the 2025 budget development process.
- Mayor and Council approved a purchasing policy and credit card use policy. Both policies are important to ensure that there is a consistent and level playing field with town purchases and proper use of the purchasing methods. The purchasing policy sets thresholds for the authorizing purchases as well as the process for obtaining competitive bids, quotes and pricing. Both policies are available at the town office and will be posted on Lanigan.ca.
- Speaking of Lanigan.ca, the new website will be launched on the afternoon of September 12, 2024. Please check it out!
- Mayor and Council approved a new bylaw and policies for capital investment strategies that will lead to a fulsome capital investment plan. The bylaw and policies start to tie together a process that will lead to long range asset management. The process of developing a proper Asset Management Plan can take upwards of three to five years to properly develop. What is an Asset Management Plan? Simply put, it is a process of recording all physical assets and infrastructure that the town is responsible for, having a proper accounting of all maintenance requirements, risk management assessment and a plan for future replacement.
- The swimming pool operation has wrapped up for the season on August 31st, and the work required to install the new slide is now underway.
- Mayor and Council approved closure of town operations for September 30th to recognize and respect National Truth and Reconciliation Day 2024. Council encourages residents and staff to take the time to reflect on opportunities to make a difference in the times ahead.
- The pavement repair project has stalled; however, the project will continue with work this year. A dispute arose with the successful bidder of the project and the town terminated the contract. We have made arrangements with a new contractor to undertake all of the preparation work that is required prior to paving. We have targeted September 18-23 to start the preparation work with completion by or shortly after September 30th. We have a goal of also completing the paving of these repair areas before freeze up; however, weather and/or contractor availability may not allow paving to be completed this year. We will keep you informed as this project progresses.
View the approved policies here: