The Council of the Town of Lanigan held a regular meeting on August 26, 2024, and following are highlights of the meeting:
- A public hearing was conducted to consider Bylaw 9/2024 to amend Bylaw 5/2018 to rezone a portion of Parcel A, Plan C4715 Ext., Plan 65H05104 from FUD – Future Urban Development to R2 – Medium Density Residential District as shown in Appendix A of Bylaw 4/2024. There was no representation for or against the proposed zoning
amendment and Council granted second and third reading of the bylaw as presented. This is an approximate 9-acre parcel of land located south of Vets Home subdivision. - A discretionary use application for the proposed Aspen Labour Camp was considered. Representatives from Burns McDonnell and SaskPower were present to make representation in favour of the proposed discretionary use application and answer any questions. There was no other representation received for or against the proposed application. Council granted approval of the discretionary use application with conditions that will include the requirement for a servicing agreement and reclamation agreement. All costs associated with servicing the site will be the responsibility of the applicant. The work camp will be located on land owned by the Town of Lanigan that will be leased to the applicant at appraised market value. The location of the work camp will be west of the new school site and north of the existing commercial development fronting on Commercial Drive.
- Mid Sask Municipal Alliance (MSMA) made a presentation about the history and actions of the MSMA, providing Council with an update on potential future activities including a proposed co-op housing initiative.
- Council received the auditor’s report and presentation of the draft 2023 financial statements for the Town of Lanigan, which were approved. Once final copies have been received from the auditor, the 2023 financial statements will be available to the public and will be posted on the town website and more information will be provided to the
public at that time. Simply put, the town’s financial position showed improvement from 2022 with an increase in cash, cash equivalents, receivables and long-term investments and a decrease in liabilities resulting in a net financial asset improvement of $1,044,251.
➢ Council approved the quote from Miners Construction to complete all the work necessary to prepare for the installation of swimming pool slide. The cost of the preparation work will be higher than originally estimated and Council considered it very important to finish this project. Although the end costs are higher, there will be no tax increases because of this project.
Please download the August 26, 2024 Council Meeting Highlights here.