
Council Meeting Highlights (May 27, 2024)

The Council of the Town of Lanigan held a regular meeting on Monday, May 27, 2024, and following are highlights of the meeting:

  • A public hearing was held for the purpose of receiving representation for or against Bylaw 1/2024, being a bylaw to allow for Temporary Relocatable Work Camps within the C2 – Highway Commercial District as a discretionary use. There was no representation receive either for or against the proposed zoning amendment.
  • Council granted 2nd and 3rd readings to Bylaw 1/2024, which means that a Temporary Relocatable Work Camp could be considered as a discretionary use in the C2 – Highway Commercial District in Lanigan. It should be noted that there has been no discretionary use application received to date for a work camp in Lanigan. If a discretionary use application is received, a public hearing will be conducted and there will be a detailed evaluation of impact (pros/cons) and cost benefit analysis on the proposal.
  • Concerns were raised by Council about the amount of pothole repair work to be completed. Street sweeping is scheduled for May 28-31, which will open up more potholes in the community. Administration was directed to consider contracted services to assist with the volume of pothole patching and repairing.
  • Council were provided an update on the Thrive in Lanigan Phase II and website refresh projects. A new website will be developed and implemented, which will be more informative and user friendly. Both projects are scheduled to be completed by end of June to mid-July. In the meantime, check out
  • Council directed Administration to work with the Royal Canadian Legion Lanigan Branch 143 to determine options to deal with a sewer line issue and bring report back to Council.
  • Council granted approval to the Royal Canadian Legion Lanigan Branch 143 for the use of a golf cart in the parade and on the sports grounds during Celebrate Lanigan.
  • Council granted approval to the Lanigan Pirates to obtain a liquor permit for alcohol service (beer garden) on the Lanigan Sports Grounds at Celebrate Lanigan.

Planning for Celebrate Lanigan is well under way with an exciting schedule of events and activities planned for June 21, 22 and 23. Stay tuned for more on this in the coming days.

Download the May 27 PDF Here